
Thursday, January 1, 2009

How to Delete Files with Long / Not Valid Filenames in Windows

Hello Everyone!!
Here is a new tool which i want to share with you all as most of the people experience in windows. I’ve experienced quite an annoying Windows problem . I tried to delete some files inside my Windows XP machine but this error kept popping out - “Cannot delete - The file name you specified is not valid or too long. Specify a different file name“. As you guess it, you can throw that suggestions into the dustbin cause it did not work. I’ve tried to rename the file, delete the file through command prompt and others but I ‘ve just wasted my precious time. Being curious as always, I Googled for solutions and was thankful that I find a software called Delinvfile.
Delinvfile (hope that in the future the author can think of a better, easier to remember name ) is short for “Delete invalid files and folders” and it really does what it says.
Here is how I solve the above problem with Delinvfile:
1- Install and run Delinvfile.

2- Choose the location of files / folders that you want to delete.
3- I want to delete some stubborn files inside a folder so I’ve chosen the “Delete Folder” tab. In case you just want to delete a file, choose “Delete File” instead.
4- Select the “Delete Folder via Short Name” option and confirm the folder deletion process.
5- File successfully deleted. Enjoy!
That is all that you need to do. Just in case you encounter any problem with file deletion (long, invalid file name etc.) in Windows in the future, this is the tool that you should look up for. Another Windows annoyance fixed, million thanks to Delinvfile!
You can download from the link below
Leave your comments and suggestion.



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